Course Content
Biology Form 1
About Lesson

Branches of Biology

Biology is divided into two major branches:

(a) Zoology: the study of animals.

(b) Botany: the study of plants.


These are further divided into sub-branches

Microbiology: It is the study of microscopic organisms (microorganisms) like bacteria and viruses.

Virology: It is the study of viruses.

Mycology: It is the study of fungi

Bacteriology: It is the study of bacteria.

Anatomy: It is the study of internal body structures

Morphology: It is the study of external body structures.

Embryology: It is the study of embryos

Parasitology: It is the study of parasites.

Pathology: It is the study of the disease causing microorganisms (pathogens).

Physiology: It is the study of functions of body structures.

Biochemistry: It is the study of chemical compounds and how chemical reactions take place in the cells of the living organism.

Entomology: It is the study of insects.

Genetics: it is the study of inheritance and variation.

Cytology: It is the study of cells.

Histology: It is the study of tissues

Ecology: It is the study of the interrelationship between living organisms and their environment.

Taxonomy: It is the study of the classification of living organisms.

Ichthyology: It is the study of fish

Biotechnology: the study of the development of techniques for the application of biological processes

Evolution: It is the study of the origin and development of organisms from ancient life to date and how they relate to each other.

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