Characteristics of Living Things
- Movement and locomotion
Movement/localized movement is the change in the position of part of the body of an organism.
Locomotion is the change in position of the whole body of an organism.
- Nutrition
It is the process of acquiring and utilizing nutrients by organisms.
Plants synthesize their own food (autotrophic) while animals feed on already manufactured food (heterotrophic).
- Respiration
It is the breakdown of organic compounds in living cells to yield energy.
- Excretion
It is the separation and elimination of metabolic waste products formed in the body cells.
- Growth and Development
Growth is a permanent increase in body size and weight.
Development is a permanent increase in complexity that occur in an organism as it grows
- Reproduction
It is the process of giving rise to new offspring that are similar to their parents.
- Irritability
It is the ability of living organisms to perceive and respond to changes in the environment.
- Gaseous exchange
It is the passing of respiratory gases across the respiratory surfaces.