Course Content
Biology Form 1
About Lesson

Practical activity: To prepare temporary slides

Temporary slides are those prepared for immediate use and are not stored.

The epidermal cells of onion bulbs can be used to prepare temporary slides.


  • Onion bulb
  • Scalpel
  • Glass slide and cover slip
  • Dissecting needle
  • Forceps
  • Iodine or methylene blue stain.


  1. Cut the onion bulb vertically into 4 sections
  2. Remove one fleshy leaf and cut out a piece measuring 0.5cm. x 0.5 cm.
  3. Using the forceps, remove the thin epidermis from the inner surface of the piece of a leaf as shown below
  4. Place the drop of water on the glass slide and gently spread the epidermis on the slide
  5. Place a drop of iodine or methylene blue stain on the epidermis on the glass side
  6. Use the mounting needle to gently place the cover slip on the epidermis. Ensure you do not trap air bubbles.
  7. Observe under low power objective lens. For more details, change to medium power objective and then to high power objective lens.



While preparing temporary microscopic slides, we;

(i) Cut very thin sections of specimen to make it transparent thus allow light to pass through over a short distance.

(ii) Mount the specimen on a drop of water to make the cells turgid and prevent dehydration.

(iii) Stain the specimen to make certain parts appear distinct hence increase visibility.

(iv) Use a sharp blade when making thin sections to avoid damaging the cells.

(v) Cover the specimen with a coverslip to spread out the specimen on the slide and prevent dehydration.



(a) Human cheek cell

(b)Onion epidermal cell