Course Content
Biology Form 1
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Structural Adaptation of the Leaf to the process of Photosynthesis

  • The cuticle is transparent to allow light to pass through to reach photosynthetic tissues.
  • Has a broad flat lamina to provide a large surface area for trapping optimum light for photosynthesis and allow maximum gaseous exchange;
  • The leaf epidermis is thin to reduce the distance across which diffusion of carbon (IV) oxide gas to palisade cells and oxygen gas from palisade cells takes place;
  • Has numerous stomata that allows easy diffusion of gases into and out of the photosynthetic tissues.
  • The leaf cuticle and epidermis are thin and transparent to allow easy penetration of light to the photosynthetic tissue;
  • The palisade cells are numerous, elongated and contain numerous chloroplasts to trapping optimum light for photosynthesis;
  • The palisade tissue is located just beneath the upper epidermis exposing them to trap optimum light for photosynthesis;
  • The leaf has numerous leaf veins consisting of xylem for conducting water and dissolved mineral salts from the soil to the photosynthetic tissue; and phloem tissue for translocation of manufactured food from the leaf to storage organs and other parts of the plant.
  • Numerous and large air spaces in the spongy mesophyll layer for optimum gaseous exchange with the photosynthetic tissue;
  • Leaf mosaic arrangement minimizes overshadowing and overlapping exposing all leaves to light for photosynthesis;
  • The prominent midrib and leaf veins reduces chances of rolling of leaves maintaining a large surface area for trapping optimum light for photosynthesis;


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