A tissue is a group of cells specialized to perform a specific function.
Examples of animal tissues
- Epithelial tissue
- Muscular tissue
- Connective tissue
- Skeletal tissue
- Blood tissue
- Nervous tissue
Epithelial tissue
Made up of a thin layer of epithelial cells.
Function: Covers organs and forms the internal lining of tubular structures like blood vessels and the alimentary canal.
Muscular tissue
There are three types;
(a) Skeletal muscles:
Attached to bones
Bring about movement.
(b) Smooth muscles:
Found lining tubular structures like intestine.
Their contraction causes movement within the tubes.
(c) Cardiac muscles:
Heart muscles.
They contract to pump blood from the heart
Connective tissue
Made of ground substances also known as matrix.
Binds organs together.
Skeletal tissue
Forms the rigid bony framework also known as skeleton.
- Supports the body.
- Protects organs.
Blood tissue
Made of a fluid within which blood cells and other blood components are suspended.
- Has plasma to transport nutrients and waste products.
- Has red blood cells to transport respiratory gases
- Has white blood cells which protects the body against diseases.
- Platelets for blood clotting.
Nervous tissue
Made up of nerve cells.
Functions: Transmission of impulses.