Biology Form 4
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Skeleton – is a firm and rigid framework for support in animals.

Functions of the Skeleton

  • Supports the weight of the animal’s body.
  • Gives the body its shape.
  • Provides surface for attachment of body muscles that facilitate movement.

Types of Skeleton

There are three types of Skeletons in animals:

  • Hydrostatic skeleton
  • Exoskeleton
  • Endoskeleton


It is found in arthropods.

It is made of a polysaccharide called chitin that makes it waterproof.

Chitin is secreted by epidermal cells and hardens on secretion.

Chitin is not evenly deposited but is thin at joints to allow for efficient movement.

Functions of Exoskeleton

  • Supports animal body weight.
  • Protects inner delicate tissues against mechanical damage, desiccation and pathogenic invasion.
  • Provides a surface for muscle attachment (essential for movement).

Disadvantage of Exoskeleton

  • It limits growth. To permit growth, the exoskeleton is periodically shed, a process called moulting (ecdysis)
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