Biology Form 4
About Lesson

The Vertebral Column

Consist of bones called vertebrae.

There are 33 vertebrae in humans.

Vertebrae are separate from each other by cartilage called inter-vertebral discs.

Function of inter-vertebral discs

  • Acts as a cushion that absorbs shock and reduce friction.
  • Makes the vertebral column flexible by allowing for a certain degree of movement between the vertebrae.

Types of Vertebrae

There are 5 types of vertebrae.

  • The cervical vertebrae – 7
  • The thoracic vertebrae – 12
  • The lumbar vertebrae – 5
  • The sacral vertebrae – 5
  • The caudal vertebrae – 4

They have a common basic plan.


Structures of a typical vertebra

Centrum – a solid structure of the vertebra. It supports the weight of the vertebra.

Transverse processes – projections on each side of the neural arch. Offer surface for attachment of muscles.

Neural spine – projections found on the dorsal side of the neural arch. Provides surface for attachment of muscles.

Neural canal – a hollow part through which the spinal cord passes.

Neural arch – an arch of bones which arises from the centrum. Together with the centrum they protect the spinal cord.

Facets – surfaces for articulation with other vertebrae.

  • Prezygapophyses – are facets found on the anterior side of the vertebra. They face upwards and inwards.
  • Postzygapophyses – are facets found on the posterior end of the vertebra. They face downwards and outwards.