Course Content
Biology Form 3
About Lesson

Meiosis II

The purpose of this phase is to separate the chromatids from one another.

It also occurs in similar phases as in the mitotic division.


Interphase II

The resultant cells of meiosis I usually go into a short interphase.


Prophase II

New spindles are formed.

Chromosomes condense.


Metaphase II

The chromosomes move to the equator of the spindle and attach to the spindle fibres at their centromeres. The chromosomes orientate themselves towards the opposite poles.


Anaphase II

The sister chromatids separate from each other and move to the opposite poles pulled by the shortening of the spindle fibres.


Telophase II

The spindle fibres disappear.

The nucleolus reappears and a nuclear membrane is formed around each set of chromatids.

The chromatids now at their destinations become the chromosomes of the daughter cells.

They uncoil and regain their thread-like form.

The cytoplasm divides across the middle,

Four cells (sometimes referred to as tetrad) are formed.

Each cell has the haploid number of chromosomes (n)

Meiosis is complete at this stage.

Meiosis occurs in two successive divisions.

The first meiotic division is responsible for;

  • Separating the homologous chromosomes
  • Halving the chromosome number.

For this reason, the first meiotic division is described as the reduction phase.

The function of the second meiotic division is to separate the chromatids from each other.


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