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Form Two Biology Essays
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Biology Essays
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Explain the role of the skin in thermoregulation.

(i) Hair shaft;

  • During cold conditions – the Erector pili muscle contracts raising the hair shaft/hair erect. The hair traps air which insulates the body.
  • During hot conditions – the erector pili muscles relax hence the hair shaft lies on the skin. Little or no air is trapped. Hence heat is lost through convection /conduction /radiation;
  • (ii) Blood vessels
  • During cold conditions – -the blood vessels vasoconstrict hence less blood flows near the skin surface to minimize heat loss through conduction/convection/ radiation;
  • During hot conditions – the blood vessels vasodilate. Hence more blood flows near the skin surface leading to heat loss through conduction /convection/ radiation;
  • (iii) Sweat gland
  • During hot conditions – sweating occurs and as the sweat evaporates heat is lost in form of the latent heat of vaporization cooling the body;
  • During cold conditions – sweating reduces; hence heat is retained in the body.
  • (iv) Subcutaneous fatty layer /Adipose tissue
  • Insulation of the body;

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